​Collective tragedy demands collective healing.


Crises creates opportunities to reshape our lives and social world for the better. Reframing the Conversation: Our approach specializes in restorative practices, contemplation, and artistic expression. By incorporating these elements, we aim to connect people through taboo and forgotten narratives.

To address our collective crisis, we must shift the conversation to acknowledge collective trauma and highlight the importance of fostering cultures of care. Effective reframing involves recognizing the power of speaking from the universal language of crisis—loss, fear, and joy—which has the potential to transform us.


We move at the speed of trust and walk at pace of understanding

Pain can be a powerful catalyst for transformation or transmission. The choice is ours

We understand courage as the bridge toward truth telling. Healing awaits us on the other side

Creativity is our tool to create from crisis

We hold true that what is unexamined remains unchanged

We acknowledge change is a non-linear journey of unlearning and relearning

Change begins wth Connection. Healing ends with the the story we tell

We are the stories we believe. By facing the darkest parts of who we are, we expand our potential for more